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Egg'stra Wild Egg Hunt

Make April egg-stra special by enjoying a wild egg hunt with your kids at the Akron Zoo!

Choose your tickets below to plan your visit.

Ticket Selection

PROGRAM: Egg'stra Wild Egg Hunt
Egg Hunter


Infant (under 2)




Member Observer


Members Only

Zoothing Egg Hunter



Program Details

Ticket Definitions:

  • Egg Hunter- includes a treat bag and participation in the egg hunt
  • Infant (under two years old)- will not receive a treat bag, but may participate in the egg hunt
  • Observers- will not receive a treat bag
  • Zoothing Egg Hunter - includes a treat bag and participation in a sensory-friendly egg hunt

The eggs will not be filled, and egg hunters will be grouped by age. A Zoothing egg hunt location will be available for people with different abilities who don't like crowds or loud noises to enjoy a sensory friendly egg-vironment--make sure to purchase a Zoothing Egg Hunter ticket to participate in that limited size group.

Please bring your own container for the egg hunt. All egg hunters will receive a bag of goodies following the egg hunt.

The Bunny will be here and guests will enjoy crafts.

Tickets include admission to the zoo following the event so guests can enjoy visiting the animals.